
"In context" with Igor Grosu: "We want to be part of the civilized world, the world of peace - that's what was conveyed at the National Assembly"

"We want to be part of the civilised world, of the world of peace - that's what was conveyed at the National Assembly," Speaker of Parliament Igor Grosu said on Moldova 1's "In Context" programme. The head of the legislature admitted that Sunday's event exceeded his expectations and noted that after a period of paid pseudo-protests he had seen a lot of peaceful people.

"So many good people, so many serene people. It's what we all wanted. After an autumn and winter of paid pseudo-protests, sincere people came, intelligent faces came, who were vibrating with what was being said on stage. The generation that experienced similar feelings at the first National Assembly, I think this is the second event in terms of calibre," said Igor Grosu.

"European Moldova" said loudly that Moldova is a European country and deserves to join the family of European countries, says the head of the legislature, who also said that he visited today two localities in the Ialoveni district, where he noticed the same serene faces still under the emotion of those experienced in PMAN.

"We want to be part of the civilised world of peace, that's what was conveyed at the National Assembly (...) Yesterday's event, which left without comment the most acid opponents, a very clear, civilised expression that Moldova is a European country, as the President said - we have proved in our hearts and behaviour that we are pro-Europeans, it remains in the papers to be recorded that we are part of the European family," Grosu added.

He said he was convinced that this year Moldova would open accession negotiations with the European Union, stressing that things were happening "at a speed we could not even imagine", adding that much depended on Moldova.

Igor Grosu, considers that the "European Moldova" National Assembly, held on Sunday, May 21, was the second most important after the first National Assembly in the years of the National Renaissance.

Cornelia Stefoglu

Cornelia Stefoglu


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