
Daniel Vodă: 44 leaders confirmed their presence at the EPC Summit

The decision to hold the European Political Community Summit at a winery was taken out of respect for the wine industry that resisted the bans and the multiple crises that hit the Republic of Moldova, said the Government’s spokesman Daniel Vodă. According to him, the Mimi Castle winery is the only one in Moldova that provides spaces for staging an event of such a sale. Daniel Vodă avoided specifying the costs incurred by Moldova for staging this event, noting that some of the purchases are secret, IPN reports.

According to the spokesman, the holding of the EPC summit in Moldova will generate many benefits for the citizens, such as increased access to the European market for national producers, energy and transport systems connected to Europe’s systems, acceleration of the opening of accession negotiations with the EU. The international recognition and increased attention to Moldova will open up new entrepreneurial and tourist opportunities.

“Chisinau enjoys multiple benefits. Accommodation units were reserved a long time in advance, the restaurants and small businesses will earn additional revenues together with the arrival of all the guests. We make a firm investment in our European future as the Republic of Moldova will be at the head of the table where the whole Europe will be present. The decision to stage the event in the Republic of Moldova is also a message. We are a country close to an ongoing war and the Republic of Moldova is fully able to manage the security risks, in cooperation with the foreign partners. A number of 44 leaders have confirmed their presence at the event so far,” Daniel Vodă stated in the program “Résumé” on RliveTV channel.

The second EPC Summit will take place at the Mimi Castle in Bulboaca village of Anenii Noi district. Such a decision was taken in order to minimize disruptions in the everyday life of Chisinau, explained the Government’s spokesman.

“Each winery that resisted the bans, created jobs and survived the multiple crises deservers appreciation. Out of respect for the wine sector, such an event will be hosted by a winery. The choice of the venue also depended on the logistics capacity. In the Republic of Moldova, there are no spaces that ensure convenience in terms of geographic location, security. There was also the intention to ease traffic in Chisinau city. In order to ensure transparency, all the information regarding costs will be communicated later. For security reasons, some of the procurement procedures will be published only after the event,” noted Daniel Vodă.

As many as 47 heads of state and government (of 27 EU member states and 20 non-EU member states) and also the President of the European Council, the President of the European Commission and the President of the European Parliament were invited to the EPC Summit.

Carolina Străjescu

Carolina Străjescu


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