
The state of emergency will be extended for another 60 days. Ana Revenco: The proximity of the war continues to affect the Republic of Moldova

Prime Minister Dorin Recean will go to the Parliament to ask for the extension of the state of emergency in the Republic of Moldova, for another 60 days, from June 4, on the recommendation of the Commission for Emergency Situations (CSE). The authorities justify their decision by the fact that the situation in Ukraine has not undergone essential changes recently.

Thus, the massive missile attacks on the civil and military infrastructure of the neighboring country continue, with significant human and material losses, and the proximity of the war continues to affect and make vulnerable, including the Republic of Moldova, said the Minister of Internal Affairs, Ana Revenco, in the Government meeting.

"Considering the main risks and threats listed above, generated by the war that is still ongoing in the neighboring state, we consider it necessary to extend the state of emergency, so that the authorities of the Republic of Moldova can dispose of the possibility of prompt intervention in the event of the need to take additional decisions to those provided by the existing legal framework, as well as to preserve the mechanisms adopted until now by the Commission for Emergency Situations in order to prevent risks to national security and public order, to ensure energy security and to manage the flow of refugees. Taking into account all the previously mentioned aspects, the Government of the Republic of Moldova is proposed to submit to the Parliament the request to extend the state of emergency throughout the country for a period of 60 days starting from June 4, 2023", said Ana Revenco.

"In the next 5-7 weeks, the killers will continue to boost military actions in Ukraine. We must take care that when we have security risks, we can manage them. Yes, I reconfirm: there is no risk of military escalation. Russians will not be able to bomb here. But still we may have security risks when Russia will bomb the energy infrastructure in Ukraine and we will be disconnected, how will you activate your autonomy? There are security risks in the Republic of Moldova and it is the Government's obligation to ensure that it has the necessary tools to intervene promptly", said Dorin Recean, answering the question of the head of the Gagauz Autonomous Region, Irina Vlah, about the need to extend the state of emergency.

Established on February 24, 2022, with the outbreak of war in Ukraine, the state of emergency has been extended several times, the last decision in this regard was adopted on February 4.

Valeria Văcărescu

Valeria Văcărescu


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