
The 9th Session of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Republic of Moldova and the Republic of Poland will take place in Warsaw

The 9th Session of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Republic of Moldova and the Republic of Poland will take place tomorrow, May 29, in Warsaw, and will be hosted by the Polish Sejm. The Republic of Moldova will be represented by Mihai Popșoi, Vitalie Jacot, Valentina Manic and Alexandr Trubca.

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Thus, according to a press release from the Legislative, the deputies will address various current topics, such as external and internal security in the context of Russia's hybrid activities and aggression against Ukraine.

Also, the main directions and challenges in the bilateral economic, energy and development cooperation between the Republic of Moldova and the Republic of Poland will be discussed.

Last but not least, the agenda of the session also includes a round of discussions about the conditions for the accession of the Republic of Moldova to the European Union, the difficulties and the support that our country can receive from Poland. The session will end with the adoption of a joint statement.

We mention that the Parliamentary Assembly of the Republic of Moldova and the Republic of Poland was established on July 25, 2011, in Chisinau. This is an interparliamentary consultative body, set up to develop common points of view on issues and projects that represent objects of bilateral interest.

The assembly meets in plenary sessions that are convened once a year, alternately in the Republic of Poland and the Republic of Moldova.

Valeria Văcărescu

Valeria Văcărescu


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