
Declaration signed in Warsaw: Poland confirms its support for the irreversibility of Moldova's European course

Poland is ready to offer political support as well as the necessary expertise in the Republic of Moldova's effort on the path towards full EU membership. Support is to be provided both bilaterally and through the relevant European mechanisms and instruments. The commitment is contained in the Joint Declaration of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Republic of Poland and the Republic of Moldova, signed yesterday in Warsaw by the co-presidents of the Assembly, Mihail Popșoi and Ryszard Terlecki.

Sursa: multimedia.parlament.md

"The accession process of the Republic of Moldova should proceed dynamically, based on meritocracy, without creating artificial obstacles, while respecting the conditions directly deriving from the EU Treaties. In this regard, we strongly believe that, following a positive recommendation of the European Commission, the decision of the European Council in December 2023 to open EU accession negotiations as soon as possible will ensure the irreversibility of Moldova's European path and will give a long-term systemic impetus to reforms", reads the Declaration approved by the Moldovan and Polish parliamentarians.

The document condemns Russia's illegal invasion of Ukraine and the hybrid war against Moldova.

Poland declared its support for the implementation of projects for the development of civil society and market economy in Moldova. At the same time, the Polish side is ready to share its experience in the fields of cyber and defence, information and public security. Polish and Moldovan energy companies are also encouraged to engage in a strategic and realistic cooperation aimed at achieving energy security objectives beneficial to both countries. Moldovan and Polish parliamentarians agreed to develop new instruments, including in the area of financial support for SMEs, which, together with the existing ones, will contribute to strengthening bilateral economic cooperation.

The 9th Session of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Republic of Moldova and the Republic of Poland took place yesterday in Warsaw.

Viorica Rusica

Viorica Rusica


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