"Teleradio Moldova" is one of the official broadcasters that will provide LIVE broadcasts of the European Political Community Summit
The European Political Community Summit will be broadcast live on our TV channel. Moldova 1 is one of the official broadcasters that will provide coverage of the historic event, which will be attended by 48 heads of state, prime ministers and European officials. This will allow those at home to follow in real time everything that happens at this high-level meeting. 60 journalists from Romania will be working side by side with journalists from Moldova.

The technical design and organisation of the coverage started half a year ago. These days, 60 professionals from Romanian Television, including producers, directors, cameramen, IT specialists and sound engineers are in Moldova.
They will ensure the transfer of experience to the employees of "Teleradio Moldova" for the exclusive transmission of this historic event.
The European Political Community Summit will be covered with the help of 20 video cameras, which have already been installed at the castle hosting the meeting.
To interconnect the equipment, specialists in Bucharest have installed 7 kilometres of fibre optic cable. At the same time, two mobile cameras have already arrived on site, capable of producing and transmitting two programmes simultaneously around the world.
Teleradio Moldova, supported by the European Broadcasting Union, is one of the official partners and broadcasters that will provide LIVE broadcasts of the meeting.
The images and footage will be available free of charge to all media on the EBU NewsDirect platform.
The broadcast will start at 09:00 and will end with the departure of the last official delegation.