
Maia Sandu's statement at the 2023 EPC Summit: "We cannot accept that our citizens turn, overnight, into refugees"

The plenary session of the European Political Community, which is being held today in Bulboaca, began with a statement by the country's president, Maia Sandu. The head of state stressed that organizing the event 20 km from the border with Ukraine "is a clear expression of solidarity with Ukraine and the Ukrainian people".

"Ukrainians are fighting for freedom, European values and the future of the continent. This summit is a clear expression of unity, strength and determination to act together as a family. What is at stake for Europe, the rules-based international order, for our citizens. We cannot accept that the principles of sovereignty and territorial integrity no longer matter. We cannot accept that our citizens become refugees overnight because another country decides to invade its neighbor. We cannot tell the people that there is no security of energy supply. We all have the right and ability to shape our destinies. For Moldova, this means being part of the free world, playing an active role in the European political community, becoming a member of the European Union and collaborating to build a stronger Europe. Our community can grow and become a key platform for security, peace and Europe," said the president of the Republic of Moldova.

Viorica Rusica

Viorica Rusica


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