
Maia Sandu speaks for the continuation of cooperation with UNFPA and encourages the implementation of projects involving young people in decision-making

President Maia Sandu met with the resident representative of the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) in the Republic of Moldova, Nigina Abaszada. The discussions focused on the projects carried out in the Republic of Moldova and the support provided by UNFPA, during the partnership of almost three decades, but also in the context of managing the refugee crisis.

Sursa: presedinte.md

In the dialogue, the areas of UNFPA intervention in the Republic of Moldova - population and development, reproductive and maternal health and the civic involvement of young people were addressed.

The head of state appreciated the contribution of partners in promoting programs in healthcare and thanked UNFPA representatives for equipping seven maternity hospitals in the country with high-performance equipment.

President Maia Sandu encouraged the further development of projects through which young people get involved in decision-making processes and in the development of local programs.

The head of state expressed her hope for the continuation of this effective collaboration, which brings direct benefits to our citizens.

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