
MEP Victor Negrescu asked the EP for pre-accession funds for Moldova

European Parliament (EP) MEP Victor Negrescu has asked the Brussels legislature for pre-accession funds for the Republic of Moldova. He said that Transnistria should not become a problem either, especially as Cyprus, a member of the European Union, shows that it is possible to join the European community even with internal problems.

"If Cyprus has managed to overcome its internal divisions, then Moldova's European course cannot be stopped by the petty interests of the Transnistrian authorities either. I take this opportunity to strongly call for the start of accession negotiations with the Republic of Moldova and for pre-accession funds to be made available to the country. We must reunite Europe around our democratic values and mutual respect and understand that the important issues on the agenda of each state must become issues of interest to the whole Union", said Victor Negrescu.

The Republic of Moldova applied to join the European Union last March. Three months later, it obtained the status of candidate country for accession. In order to join the European community, our country has to meet several conditions, including the reform of the justice system and the fight against corruption.

Bogdan Nigai

Bogdan Nigai


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