
Oliver Varhelyi says that the Republic of Moldova has achieved three of the nine recommendations of the European Commission

European Commissioner for Enlargement Oliver Varhelyi, said that the Republic of Moldova has implemented three of the nine recommendations of the European Commission, formulated a year ago, when our country obtained the status of a candidate for accession. It is about electoral legislation, consultation of decisions with civil society and respect for human rights. The official also added that there is still progress in reforming the judiciary.

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Ukraine, also a candidate state for EU accession, has completed only two of seven steps and must adjust its ethnic minority legislation to the recommendations of the Venice Commission. Moreover, the Republic of Moldova should also adapt the draft law on the vetting of judges, ensure the functionality of the Supreme Court and fill the vacant positions at the Superior Council of Magistracy.

The commission will present the final report in October, but the decision to open accession negotiations is a political one and requires the unanimity of the 27 heads of state and government of the European Union.

Earlier, the President of the Parliament, Igor Grosu, declared that the Republic of Moldova is at the end of the process of fulfilling the nine conditionality formulated by the European Commission for the start of the accession negotiations to the European Union.

We remind you that our country, together with Ukraine, received the status of a candidate country for accession on June 23, 2022. In order to start the actual negotiations for accession to the European community, it is necessary to fulfill the 9 conditionalities formulated by the European Commission. Four of them relate to justice reform, and the others refer to the fight against corruption, the fight against organized crime, as well as the strengthening of administrative capacities for EU accession.

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