
The EU has prepared a support package for the Republic of Moldova: What are the five priorities

The European Commission and the European External Action Service have prepared a new support package for the Republic of Moldova. It will contribute to minimizing the consequences of the war started by Russia in Ukraine on the Republic of Moldova. Also, it will help our country in the process of European integration, reads a press release from the European Commission.

Sursa: știri.md

The support package for the Republic of Moldova has five priorities aimed at facilitating economic development and connectivity through the Priority Action Plan for Trade under the Comprehensive and Deep Free Trade Agreement and the projects under the Economic and Investment Plan.

Also, the reforms and participation of the Republic of Moldova in EU programs, such as Horizon Europe, Fiscalis, Customs, LIFE and EU4Health, will be supported.

Another priority area provides for ensuring the energy security of the Republic of Moldova by increasing domestic electricity production, participating in the EU Common Mechanism for the purchase of natural gas, stimulating renewable energy sources and focusing on energy efficiency.

At the same time, attention will be drawn to strengthening the security of the Republic of Moldova, including the expansion of cooperation through the recently launched EU Partnership Mission in Moldova, the EU-Moldova Support Center for Internal Security and Border Management and the EU Border Assistance Mission.

Among the priority areas are combating the manipulation and interference of foreign information, including disinformation, and strengthening strategic communication by providing technical support to the Government in Chisinau.

We remind that the Republic of Moldova could also benefit from support from the EU through the Neighborhood, Development and International Cooperation Instrument in the period 2024-2027.

Valeria Văcărescu

Valeria Văcărescu


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