
A prosecutor from Chisinau will be in the dock. Anti-Corruption Prosecutor's Office comes with details

The Anti-Corruption Prosecutor's Office announces the completion of the criminal prosecution and referral to court for examination on the merits of the criminal case against a prosecutor from Chisinau, charged with the crime of coercion to make statements and disclosure of criminal prosecution data.

According to the results of the criminal prosecution with the contribution of SIS and CNA officers, it was established that the accused, between February 2020 and September 2021, holding the position of prosecutor in the General Prosecutor's Office, while prosecuting a criminal case, carried out illegal acts of influence on a witness, in order to coerce him to make statements in favour of the injured party in that case.

He also, while prosecuting the same criminal case, intentionally disclosed criminal prosecution data on the evidence and persons concerned in the criminal investigation, which were made public in the media, causing moral and material damages of approximately 10 million lei to the participants in the trial.

The accused did not admit his guilt and the criminal case was sent to the Buiucani Court of Chisinau for examination on the merits.

For the offence committed, the law provides for punishment in the form of imprisonment from 2 to 6 years with a fine of 57,500 to 67,500 lei, in both cases with deprivation of the right to hold certain positions or to exercise a certain activity for a period of 5 years (in the case of Art. 309 of the Criminal Code) and a fine in the amount of 42,500 to 67,500 lei with deprivation of the right to hold certain positions or to exercise a certain activity for up to 3 years (in the case of Art. 315 para. 2 of the Criminal Code).

The criminal prosecution was initiated in December 2021 by the Anti-Corruption Prosecutor's Office on the basis of a complaint.

Cornelia Stefoglu

Cornelia Stefoglu


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