
World Bank provides $60 million to modernise education

The World Bank will provide $60 million to modernise education in Moldova. In its first reading, parliament voted to ratify the agreement, which provides for a $40 million loan and $20 million in grants. Among the actions proposed for financing will be the construction of three new high schools, the repair and reconstruction of schools and kindergartens, the equipping of educational institutions with computer technology and the professionalisation of teachers.

"We intend to continue and strengthen the reforms to modernise the education system, focusing on our priorities: quality of education; equal and fair access to education for all children and young people, creating friendly and modern learning environments for better results, and preparing young people to face the challenges of today's world. We highly appreciate the valuable support of international partners in the process of modernising the education sector through the implementation of the project "Improving the Quality of Education", stressed the Minister of Education and Research, Anatolie Topala.

Topală said that three classical high schools will be built in the Republic of Moldova, 15 schools and 15 kindergartens will be rehabilitated, hundreds of schools will be equipped with IT equipment, and teachers and school managers will benefit from modern continuous training programmes and training in the use and maintenance of IT equipment.

The investment amounts to $60 million, which the authorities will borrow from the World Bank.

The project implementation period is 2023-2029.

Cornelia Stefoglu

Cornelia Stefoglu


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