
Voted in the first reading: Members of the "Sor" Political Party, declared unconstitutional, will not be able to be elected for a period of three years

The persons who were members of the executive body of the "Sor" Political Party, those who held elective positions or were on the alternate candidate lists at the time the political formation was declared unconstitutional, will not be able to be elected for a period of three years from pronouncement of the decision of the Constitutional Court. This is provided for in a draft law, voted in the first reading by 56 PAS MPs.

Sursa: ipn.md

The legislative initiative was developed by a group of deputies from the "Action and Solidarity Party" Faction, in the context of the adjustment of the internal regulatory framework regarding the liquidation of political parties, after the Constitutional Court issued a Decision declaring the "Şor" Political Party unconstitutional and dissolved it.

The draft law also contains the provision according to which the attributes of parties declared unconstitutional will not be able to be used by other political parties, electoral blocs or other electoral competitors.

Valeria Văcărescu

Valeria Văcărescu


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