
Oleg Serebrian: Transnistrian file must be settled within the recognized borders of the Republic of Moldova

The resolution of the Transnistrian file must be peaceful, within the recognized borders of the Republic of Moldova, without affecting the country's European course, says Deputy Prime Minister for Reintegration Oleg Serebrian.

Sursa: zonadesecuritate.md

The official stated to TVR Moldova that following the dialogue he had with the international experts he discussed in London, where he recently had a working visit, it was emphasized that the authorities in Chisinau are willing to discuss the status of the region and not of the Republic Moldova.

"Whatever model we choose for the resolution of the Transnistrian conflict, there should follow a path of peaceful negotiations. We are willing to discuss the status of the Transnistrian region, not the status of the Republic of Moldova. What has been tried for a long time to resolve this conflict, the Kozak plan, but also many other projects that existed, which targeted not only the Transnistrian region, but the Republic of Moldova in general. What model of organization, militarization, neutralization and so on, we do not discuss these things. We are focusing on the status of the region, on how we can find solutions in certain sectors that are the most urgent for citizens", declared the deputy prime minister.

Oleg Serebrian also said that the process of settling the Transnistrian conflict must be rethought, and the opinion and consultations of the European partners, as well as of Romania and Ukraine, is an important one.

Valeria Văcărescu

Valeria Văcărescu


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