
CSP has set the date of the General Assembly of Prosecutors

The General Assembly of Prosecutors will be organized on August 23. A decision in this sense was approved, on Wednesday, by the members of the Superior Council of Prosecutors (CSP).

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On the agenda of the meeting is the election of prosecutor members and their substitutes in the Superior Council of Prosecutors; the activity report of the CSP and other topics, announced the president of the CSP, Angela Motuzoc.

The following candidates were admitted to the elections: Mariana Cherpec, Iurie Lealin, Aliona Nesterov, Dumitru Obada, Eduard Panea, Elena Roșior and Olesea Vîrlan, who passed the evaluation of the pre-vetting commission.

According to the legislation, within seven days of the issuance by the Evaluation Commission of the evaluation decision of the last candidate for the position of member in the respective council, registered in the elections or competition, the CSP will convene the General Assembly for the election of the members of the respective council, which will be organized in no more than 35 days from the date of the convocation.

The last time, the General Assembly of Prosecutors was convened in February 2020. Since then the meeting has been repeatedly postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Carolina Străjescu

Carolina Străjescu


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