
European village, with small but sure steps. Prime Minister Dorin Recean has given assurances that money for projects will be transferred to municipalities in the coming days

The Ministry of Finance will transfer the money allocated by the European Village programme to municipalities in the coming days. Prime Minister Recean explained that the delays are due to budget spending in times of crisis. The priorities were energy compensation and agricultural subsidies.

So far, the government has funded 150 local projects with more than 240 million lei. In Corlăteni, Riscani district, the local authorities have obtained one million lei for a tennis court. Young people in the village will no longer have to commute to Balti to train.

"For me, but also for the village, the opportunity to come and play tennis is very important because it is also an exchange of experience. Personally, lately I have been coming almost every day and practising tennis.";

"I come every day to play with my friends. It's good to have such courts in the village. We have the opportunity to engage in sports as often as possible, to go out with friends, to have fun, to create memories.";

"We are very happy that we have such opportunities. Over the years several projects have been implemented and they are all useful, especially this part of the stadium, it has been set up for younger children, older children, so we can keep young people in the village. I mean, not in general, but at least in leisure activities, sports and others", says the director of the Corlăteni gymnasium, Zinaida Parea.

The Corlăteni town hall has a team of specialists who write projects and have received other funding.

"Recently, we have obtained approval under the "European Village Express" programme to have photovoltaic installations at the cultural centre, the town hall office and a portion of the street lighting, which will have a capacity of 22 kWh. The installation will cover the expenses for the given institutions. We are also working on the sewage project", says the mayor of Corlăteni, Veaceslav Bold.

Some mayors have not yet received the money for the projects financed by the European Village. Premier Recean explained that all the arrears will be transferred in a few days, the Ministry of Finance has the necessary amounts, the pressure of the crisis has delayed the transfer to local budgets.

"This year, we had to deal with the consequences of the crises of previous years, including the biggest crisis we had in 22, where the Government had to mobilize most of the financial resources to support the vulnerable sections of society but also other social categories that could not afford to pay all the energy bills," Dorin Recean stressed.

Allocations under the European Village for this year amount to 1.8 billion lei and cover almost five hundred projects. And the European Village Express has more than 170 million in funding.

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