
The government has launched a new package to cut red tape in the customs and tax area

The Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Economic Development and Digitisation announce a new package to cut red tape in customs and tax. According to the heads of the two ministries, Veronica Sirețeanu and Dumitru Alaiba, the initiative aims to support the development of the business environment, but also to save entrepreneurs money and time.

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Sursa: imagine simbol

"We are talking about the possibility of deducting value-added tax based on tax receipts, but only those that are connected to the electronic sales monitoring system. In addition to this, we are offering the possibility of placing petrol and diesel under the customs warehousing procedure," says Finance Minister Veronica Sirețeanu.

The authorities are also proposing that the limit for the amount that is not considered a tax arrear be raised from 100 lei to 500 lei. Another move is intended to simplify the process of declaring goods brought into or taken out of Moldova by postal consignments.

"What has been proposed is to exclude the obligation to submit a detailed customs declaration and to submit a simplified customs declaration," added Veronica Sirețeanu.

Minister Dumitru Alaiba says this is the biggest red tape reduction package ever devised.

"On the tax side, the main provision is the abolition of the cash register and the tax printer. From this alone we are saving entrepreneurs at least five million working hours annually. The package we are launching today saves entrepreneurs at least half a billion lei every year. That's no small amount, an impact of about 0.2% of GDP," stressed the Minister for Economic Development and Digitisation.

The authorities also promise that by simplifying tax legislation, we will do away with physical visits to the State Tax Service, holographic signatures and the exchange of information on paper. The draft is to be put out to public consultation.

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