
CFM management promises to clear wage arrears caused by "seasonal fluctuations"

Several employees of the Moldovan Railways have not received their salaries for June and July, and now, in early August, the company is paying the last salaries for May. CFM officials say the problem is allegedly caused by reduced freight traffic, and the Public Property Agency (PPA) has asked the company to take prompt action to rectify the situation.

The head of the CFM's commercial department gives assurances that the situation will be rectified by the end of August.

"Currently, the Moldovan Railway Enterprise has arrears for June. In a few days, all employees will receive the rest for May, because we pay by branches. We also have the month of July which has just ended. The cause of these shortcomings is seasonal, it happens year after year, when in May-July the flow of goods is not so high and does not cover all the expenses related to salaries and operating expenses for infrastructure," said Dmitri Prohnitsky, head of the Commercial Service of the MFC.

Meanwhile, Roman Cojuhari, the director of the JPA, says that a discussion is to be held with CFM officials about the situation.

"We have more recent complaints. They have been forwarded to the board of the company. We have also called the Executive for a meeting with the Railways tomorrow at 2pm. We will look at all the issues and come back with actions to improve the situation. The work at the Railroad is also seasonal, or volumes come with the harvest and things will be improved. We have called them and asked for actions to be presented to improve and resolve the situation."

Statistics show that in the first quarter of this year, 821.4 thousand tonnes of goods were exported by rail. Over the past year and in 2021, the total volumes of exported goods exceeded 3 million tons.

As of 1 July 2022, salaries of CFM employees have been increased by 89%. Thus, the average monthly salary of CFM employees increased from 4,050 lei to 7,654 lei.

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