
The price of parking at Chisinau International Airport has doubled

The price for one hour in the car park at Chisinau International Airport has doubled. Thus, the price has been increased from 10 lei to 20 lei. So far the increase has not been justified in any way by the airport administration. On social media, Internet users expressed their indignation.

The Airport car park has 4 levels and can accommodate 799 cars.

Recently, the administrator of the Chisinau International Airport, Constantin Vozian, said that a new car park with a capacity of almost 300 places is to be built. To this end, he said, the authorities have obtained a permit and announced the organisation of a public tender for the new car park. Bids can be submitted until 10 August.

At present, the airport car park is mainly full of Ukrainian cars.

Chisinau International Airport has returned to state administration after 10 years of concession to the company controlled by Ilan Shor - Avia Invest.

Viorica Rusica

Viorica Rusica


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