
Deputies from the BCS faction boycott the Parliament session and demand early parliamentary elections

The Bloc of Communists and Socialists (BCS) faction said they are boycotting the Parliament sessions and will go to the territories to talk to the voters. The statement was made after the meeting was interrupted for a 30-minute break, at the request of the BCS faction.

"The faction of the Bloc of Socialists and Communists stands in solidarity with the more than a thousand employees of the TV stations, who were left without sources of livelihood on the eve of the holidays. We stand in solidarity with the local public administration, which has serious problems with the budget and with solving existing problems. We stand in solidarity with all citizens who have the right to state their position clearly, firmly and to be publicised. (…) Even during Plahotniuc's time, the Republic of Moldova did not experience such instruments and attitudes. It is very shameful what you are doing today", said the Vice-President of the Parliament, Vlad Batrîncea.

The MPs of the BCS faction carried placards and chanted "Shame!", "Down with PAS" and demanded the dissolution of Parliament and the organisation of early parliamentary elections.

"It is clear that it is not like in Plahotniuc's time when these televisions were financed from the same kuliok. The CA warned these television stations, practically to the white cloth, about the fact that they are violating the code of ethics," said PAS MP Lilian Carp.

For his part, the President of the Parliament Igor Grosu accused the BCS deputies and those of the Sor Party of being guided in their actions by a "holding company paid by the Kremlin".

"It is obvious to everyone that a holding company paid by the Kremlin worked for the PSRM/PCRM until recently. For some time now, the Kremlin has given it to the organised criminal group "Sor". Who are we trying to steam? That the Russian Federation chose to have bandit allies, that is their choice, our choice is to build a state and integrate it into a civilizational space of the EU. All the emotions and attempts to irrigate the defenders and lawyers and the mass media do not hold", declared Igor Grosu.

It should be noted that the BCS faction proposed the urgent hearing of Prime Minister Natalia Gavrilița, the president of the CSE and the president of the CA, Liliana Vițu. However, the proposal was not supported.

Before the start of the plenary session, several dozen people demonstrated in front of the Parliament. They protested against the decision of the Extraordinary Situations Commission regarding the suspension of the broadcast licence of some television stations in the country, most of them affiliated to these formations.

Moldova 1 recalls that on December 16, the CSE decided to suspend the broadcast licence for six television stations, during the state of emergency, which expires at the beginning of February 2023.

Carolina Străjescu

Carolina Străjescu


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