
President Maia Sandu delivers message of pride and hope on Independence Day

Moldova celebrates its 32nd Independence Day, with President Maia Sandu delivering a message of pride and hope.

In her address, Sandu said that Moldova is a "nation of hope and promise, a country of peace and prosperity, a home for all Moldovans, wherever they may be."

Sandu also spoke about the importance of Moldova's history and culture, saying that "the eyes of Moldova are the eyes of our people, a people who have always been proud of their heritage."

She concluded her speech by calling on Moldovans to work together to build a better future for their country.

The country, along with other Soviet Socialist Republics, became free to choose its own future at that time. Romania was the first country to recognize Moldova's independence and sovereignty.

In 1992, the Republic of Moldova became a member of the United Nations, thus receiving recognition of statehood. In 1995, it joined the Council of Europe, undertaking commitments to ensure fundamental human rights and freedoms and the functioning of democratic institutions.

Valeria Văcărescu

Valeria Văcărescu


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