
Moldovans divided on the language question

Singing the national anthem can be an emotional experience for citizens, to the point where some of them may forget the words. On Romanian Language Day, we asked Moldovans to recite at least one verse of the lyrics of Alexei Mateevici.

Most of the people interviewed managed to do it.

VOX: "Our language is a treasure/ Buried deep in the depths/ A string of rare stones/ Poured out on the land. - Do you know more? - Yes. - Can you tell me? - Our language is a fire that burns/ In a people who, without warning/ Awoke from the sleep of death/ Like the brave one from the story."

"Our language is a treasure/ Buried deep in the depths/ A string of rare stones.../- On the land. - On the land poured out."

"Our language is a treasure/ From the depths buried/ A string of rare stones/ Poured out on the land. It is very long, it has 12 verses, I know them all."

There were also those who did not know the national anthem of the Republic of Moldova at all.

VOX: "- Do you know the national anthem of the Republic of Moldova? - Yes. - Can you hum me a verse, if you know it? - That's hard. - I'll help you. - No way. - Our language is a treasure... - So what? let it be!"

"- But what is the national anthem of the Republic of Moldova, do you know it? - We still don't know..."

"I forgot the anthem too, I don't remember it, I'm retired."

Others say they do not celebrate this day because they speak Moldovan.

"Romanian, Moldovan. We give ourselves both ways, just to be good."

"I know about this holiday that it is the Moldovan language, not the Romanian language, as they tell me now. - Why? - Because I am Moldovan, I don't speak, but I speak (eu nu vorbesc, dar eu grăiesc)". It is the same just said otherwise.

Translation by Iurie Tataru

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