
More flights from Chisinau to London starting September 25

The number of flights between Chisinau and London will double starting September 25, according to a press release from the Chisinau International Airport. The flights will be operated by HiSky on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Sundays.

Recently, authorities announced that a low-cost carrier will launch flights between Chisinau and Riga in 2024, and three other carriers will launch direct flights to Baku and Tel Aviv on September 15 and October 29, respectively. In the meantime, a Turkish carrier will operate charter flights to Antalya until November 1.

On August 18, President Maia Sandu said at the 2023 Diaspora Congress that the lack of air connections to Chisinau is a priority for the government and that work is underway to address the issue.

Translation by Iurie Tataru

Viorica Rusica

Viorica Rusica


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