
Moldovan diaspora organises first European Economic Forum in Paris

Representatives of the Moldovan diaspora from several European countries organised the first European Economic Forum in Paris today. The event was aimed at highlighting the importance of Moldova's European path and the active involvement of the diaspora in promoting the country's image at the entrepreneurial level.

The event began with a welcome address from President Maia Sandu. The head of state said that Moldova, despite a war at its borders, has an ambitious development plan.

"Many of you have found a more favourable environment than in Moldova to launch businesses. We want to create such a favourable environment at home. More successful businesses in Moldova mean a richer country and well-being for more citizens," President Maia Sandu emphasised.

Approximately 200 Moldovan entrepreneurs who have settled and developed businesses in the United Kingdom, Spain, Italy, Germany, and, of course, the host country - France, attended the meeting.

"Such events are always welcome, because the diaspora is just starting to relate, just starting to collaborate, and we have a lot of resources that we don't even know about. That's why these forums are crucial," said entrepreneur Radu Bostan, who is based in Spain.

"I want to encourage the diaspora not to plateau, not to stop where they have reached, but to start bringing investments to Moldova. There are many people who are educated abroad who could come to Moldova and make a radical change," said Ion Mereacre, an entrepreneur from the United Kingdom.

The forum provided entrepreneurs with the opportunity to discuss innovative ideas, find potential business partners, and acquire the skills of a business leader.

"I spoke to participants about three essential groups of competencies that are essential to be a remarkable leader, which means connecting with oneself, visions higher than one's own goals or interests, and, in particular, our ability to materialise our dreams and strategies that we have," emphasised Sile Moldovan, a business expert from Romania.

The initiator of this Forum is Viorica Țîmbalari, a compatriot of ours who is based in France, who has become known at home through several charity actions.

"Being active in the community, I often hear from our entrepreneurs that they would also invest in the Republic of Moldova, only that there is little information, they don't know what the opportunities are. And then I said: let's have an European Economic Forum, where entrepreneurs from all European countries can come and talk about the opportunities to invest at home," said Viorica Țîmbalari, founder of the platform "O Femeie". (A Woman)

The first European Economic Forum was supported by the Embassy of the Republic of Moldova in France.

"It is absolutely exceptional that, regardless of how many years citizens have been abroad, their longing, belonging, and desire to change things is extraordinary. That is why we are very excited to support them, to be by their side, and to implement new projects at home," said the Ambassador of the Republic of Moldova to Paris, Corina Călugăru.

The organisers of the European Economic Forum intend to develop this working platform between Moldovan business people in European countries and to hold such business and education meetings annually, but in different countries.

Translation by Iurie Tataru

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