
Sandu: Moldova on path to EU with international support

President Maia Sandu of Moldova thanked the international community for its immense support for the country in recent years, saying that it is proof that Moldovans are Europeans and deserve to be part of the European Union.

Sursa: presedinte.md

Sandu was speaking at the end of the fourth ministerial conference of the Moldova Support Platform, an initiative of Romania, Germany, and France created to provide political, financial, and material assistance to Moldova in its democratic reform process.

"With the help of Moldova's friends, we have achieved things that seemed unattainable a few years ago," Sandu said. "We have preserved peace, stability, and social cohesion while Russia is waging a brutal war on our border. We dealt with a major humanitarian crisis when our Ukrainian neighbours sought refuge from bombs. We have weathered a harsh winter and protected people on modest incomes from high energy prices. We kept the economy functioning. And very importantly, despite the crisis, we have continued to work, carry out reforms and move forward on the path to EU membership."

Sandu also stressed that Moldova is committed to continuing its reforms and working towards EU accession.

"The huge support we have received in recent years shows not only that Moldovans are Europeans and deserve to be part of the European Union, but also that we are welcome," she said. "I urged the participants from over 30 countries to believe in the power of Moldova to transform itself and connect to the EU. And I proudly told them about the custom that defines our people - "claca" (community spirit). We know, since old age, that no one alone can achieve great things."

At the meeting in Chisinau, the ministers of environment, energy, and finance signed five documents on access to grants and preferential credits for ensuring energy security, managing environmental problems and natural gas procurement, and infrastructure development.

The Moldova Support Platform is a clear sign of the international community's support for Moldova and its reform process. With this support, Moldova is well-positioned to continue its progress towards EU accession and build a better future for its citizens.

Translation by Iurie Tataru

Cornelia Stefoglu

Cornelia Stefoglu


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