
Moment of silence in Parliament in memory of the victims of the attacks in Israel

Today, at the beginning of the plenary session, the deputies held a moment of silence in memory of the victims of the attacks in Israel. The Republic of Moldova condemns the terrorist attacks by Hamas and stands by Israel and its population, said the Parliament Speaker, Igor Grosu.

"These days we are witnessing bloody attacks on Israel and horrific violence against civilians. An entire world is shaken by attacks that destroy the peace and order. The Republic of Moldova strongly condemns the brutal terrorist attacks carried out by Hamas, we are with Israel and its people in this difficult period", declared Igor Grosu.

We remind that, in today's session, the Parliament is to examine a statement condemning the terrorist attacks and supporting Israel and its people. BCS deputies requested a break to come up with relevant proposals and to vote on this statement.

In all, from October 7 until now, 1,204 citizens of the Republic of Moldova have returned home via regular flights.

Valeria Văcărescu

Valeria Văcărescu


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