
Jens Stoltenberg: Russia must withdraw its armed forces from the territory of the Republic of Moldova, and the North Atlantic Alliance will continue to provide assistance to our country

Russia must withdraw its armed forces from the territory of the Republic of Moldova, and the North Atlantic Alliance will continue to provide assistance to our country. This is the statement made by the Secretary General of NATO, Jens Stoltenberg, following the meeting with the Prime Minister of our country, Dorin Recean, who is on an official visit to Brussels. Stoltenberg also mentioned that stability in the Western Balkans matters for everyone.

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NATO will support the authorities in Chisinau to face the threats from the Russian Federation, which continues to exert pressure on the Republic of Moldova, said the Secretary General of the Alliance, Jens Stoltenberg, in a joint statement with the Moldovan Prime Minister, Dorin Recean.

"In the context of the war started in Ukraine, the Russian Federation is also blackmailing the Republic of Moldova, including from the energy point of view. They are trying to destabilize the situation, to undermine democracy, to misinform society, and in this difficult situation the allies support the Republic of Moldova. At the same time, at the NATO summit in Vilnius, we repeatedly requested the withdrawal of Russian troops and ammunition from the territory of the Republic of Moldova. We also announced substantial support to help you strengthen your cyber defenses and strategic communications. This will also help the Republic of Moldova in the process of joining the EU", said Jens Stoltenberg.

For his part, Prime Minister Dorin Recean mentioned that thanks to development partners, including NATO, the Republic of Moldova manages to develop the resilience of society and institutions, as well as defense capabilities.

"We greatly appreciate the support of NATO and its member states, in strengthening defense capabilities in this difficult regional situation, generated by Russia's aggression in Ukraine. We make great efforts and together with our friends, we manage to face the challenges. At the same time, the Republic of Moldova is willing to continue participating in international missions, but also in exercises that would strengthen the interoperability of the National Army", said Dorin Recean.

We remind that, at the summit in Vilnius on July 11, 12, the allies announced a voluntary NATO fund dedicated to the resilience, security and defense capabilities of the Republic of Moldova.

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