
Slovenia and Austria support the Republic of Moldova in its European path

Press conference held by the President of the Republic of Moldova, Maia Sandu, the President of Austria, Alexander Van der Bellen, and the President of Slovenia, Nataša Pirc Musar.

UPDATE 12:38 Nataša Pirc Musar: "We are here to support Moldova on its European path. Slovenia and Austria support the enlargement of the EU and both countries are committed to the wider enlargement of the countries of the Western Balkans, Moldova and Georgia. Personally, I think that Moldova's place is in the EU. What Maia Sandu has done in Moldova is admirable and I congratulate her. This was also expressed by the Commission's report, how well Moldova is preparing for the EU. Slovenia is happy because we have had good diplomatic relations with Moldova for 30 years. We can help you in many ways, not so much with money, but we act through the Center of Excellence in Finance, with the NBM, tomorrow I will visit the governor of the NBM and we will discuss the projects that Slovenia offers in the financial field."

UPDATE 12:28 Alexander Van der Bellen: "We are here to show Moldova our solidarity in a very complicated geopolitical situation. Of course, Austria also suffers from the consequences of the war in Ukraine, but Moldova faces much more difficult problems, it is affected more by the consequences of this war. The Republic of Moldova is exposed to massive destabilization attempts. It is important to say that we are in solidarity with the authorities in the Republic of Moldova who want to break the old structures, who want to change and to modernize things and who want to bring their country closer to the European Union. When you visited us in Vienna two years ago, we still had no idea what a turning point awaits us and what changes this Russian war against Ukraine will bring for all of us. I remember that Russia had since then started to use its gas supplies to Moldova as a means of pressure, and I pay my respects to your country which managed to overcome this energy dependence by purchasing energy from international markets. I also have respect for the way you handled the situation with the displaced people from Ukraine.

Regarding our bilateral relations, between Austria and Moldova there are relations that we can identify as excellent, there is an intensive exchange at the level of parliaments, governments and at the level of high-ranking representatives of the economic community.

Austria supports the efforts made by the Republic of Moldova to become a member of the European Union. The granting of candidate country status last year was an important signal. It is clear that the Republic of Moldova must carry out the necessary reforms, which is an arduous process and requires strong political will.

The Republic of Moldova has done a good job so far, and the result is the European Commission's recommendation to launch accession negotiations with Moldova. The European Council, in December, will have to decide the next steps in the process of Moldova's integration into the EU. But I am very sure of one thing, the future of Moldova is in a bigger Europe. Austria will be with you in this process."

UPDATE 12:21 Maia Sandu: Austria and Slovenia stood by Moldova when our country faced a large flow of refugees forced to flee the unjust and brutal war in Ukraine. The Austrian Development Agency currently finances several projects in rural development, education, agriculture, water and sanitation, environmental protection, social infrastructure and services. Slovenia supports us in the field of strengthening public finances and the resilience of financial institutions, especially the National Bank of Moldova. I would like to note the increased intensity of the dialogue between our countries lately, and I am confident that we will succeed in bringing even greater dynamics to the relations between Chisinau, Vienna and Ljubljana. Incidentally, last year it turned 30 years since the establishment of diplomatic relations with Austria, this year it turns 30 years of diplomatic relations with Slovenia. It is gratifying that these jubilee milestones translate into solid support for the European path of the Republic of Moldova. With such good friends, we will surely succeed. Thank you.

Carolina Străjescu

Carolina Străjescu


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