
Klaus Iohannis: Romania has always supported the European aspirations of the Republic of Moldova

"Romania supported the Republic of Moldova, not only through aid sent directly to Chisinau, but also through the permanent promotion of the European aspirations of the Romanians from Moldova", declared President Klaus Iohannis in his speech delivered today, December 1, at the Cotroceni Palace, on the National Day of Romania.

Klaus Iohannis mentioned that the responsibility of Romanian citizens is to protect the future of the nation and to remain vigilant "in the face of extremist currents which, if we are not careful enough, can become real threats to the basic principles of our society and our value system" .

"We are all aware that there are still many things to be done in Romania, and the changes postponed for so long must continue at a much more alert pace. Supporting investments, strengthening the capacity of institutions to properly serve the interests of citizens, developing infrastructure, consolidating health services, modernizing public administration are objectives that have begun to be worked on, but we have not yet reached where we set out to be.

In recent years, numerous large projects have been started, including in the energy area, where the foundations have been laid for the use of green technologies that will significantly reduce dependence on imported gas, a vital aspect in the current geopolitical situation. Reforms of public systems have been started, we have new education laws, we are continuing the digitization of the administration, we have secured resources for the modernization of the Army in an extremely difficult context", said Klaus Iohannis, on Friday at the reception at the Cotroceni Palace.

He said that 2024 will be a decisive year for what Romania will look like in the future.

"And this is because we will have European parliamentary elections, when we will nominate those who make our voices heard in the European Union, we will have local elections, those that determine the evolution of the communities in which we live, parliamentary elections, which will outline the governing majority, and the presidential elections, which will show the option of the Romanians for the highest position in the state", said Iohannis.

Moreover, the head of the Romanian state urged his citizens to keep "unwavering" the spirit of the Great Union and of "the over one hundred thousand Romanians who, full of emotion, devotion and courage, came to Alba Iulia on December 1, 1918 , to shake hands as between brothers".

"You are the ones who, in the most difficult moments - and there were not a few in recent years - had the strength not to give up and to move forward with the hope that, through determination and perseverance, we build a better future. Let us keep steadfast the spirit of the Great Union and of the over one hundred thousand Romanians who, full of emotion, devotion and courage, came to Alba Iulia, on December 1, 1918, to shake hands like brothers. May the same spirit guide us from now on and let's transform Romania together into the country we want! Happy birthday, dear Romanians! Happy birthday, Romania!", concluded Klaus Iohannis.

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