
Macron expresses doubt over Israel's plan to annihilate Hamas

French President Emmanuel Macron voiced scepticism regarding Israel's declared plan to continue the fight until Hamas is completely destroyed, as reported by BBC.

AFP / Președintele Franței, Emmanuel Macron, vorbește în timpul unei conferințe de presă la summitul COP28 al Națiunilor Unite privind clima, la Dubai, 2 decembrie 2023
Sursa: AFP / Președintele Franței, Emmanuel Macron, vorbește în timpul unei conferințe de presă la summitul COP28 al Națiunilor Unite privind clima, la Dubai, 2 decembrie 2023

Speaking at a climate summit in the United Arab Emirates before heading to Doha to meet with the Qatari Emir Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani, whose government is at the centre of diplomatic efforts to end the conflict, Macron urged the Israeli government to consider more realistic objectives.

"What does the total annihilation of Hamas mean, and does anyone believe such a thing is possible? If so, the war will last for ten years. I think we are at a point where Israeli authorities need to more precisely define their goal and the desired end state," stated Macron during a press conference in Dubai.

As discussions to extend a one-week pause in fighting between Hamas and Israel reached an impasse, hostilities resumed. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu reiterated the country's goals a day earlier: the release of all hostages, the elimination of Hamas, and preventing new threats to Israelis in the Gaza Strip.

Both Israel and Hamas accuse each other of derailing a ceasefire that allowed the release of 80 Israeli hostages in exchange for 240 Palestinian prisoners before its expiration.

Following the resumption of hostilities, Macron emphasised the need for "intensifying efforts to achieve a lasting ceasefire."

Initially planning an extensive peacekeeping tour in the Middle East, Macron instead organised meetings on the conflict during the sidelines of the UN climate discussions. His five-hour visit to Doha occurred after Israeli negotiators left, with Israel stating that the talks had reached an impasse.

Analysts suggest that Macron's visits to Dubai and Doha highlight the challenges his government faces in finding a way to influence the conflict.

"France and Macron cannot find their place in this crisis," said Agnes Levallois, Vice President of the Middle East Institute, as reported by The Guardian.

Translation by Iurie Tataru

Bogdan Nigai

Bogdan Nigai


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