
Maia Sandu, at the Mayors’ Forum: "Our goal is a better life for every inhabitant of Moldova"

The accession of the Republic of Moldova to the European Union is the fastest means and the only way through which we can build a prosperous state. The statement was made by the president Maia Sandu during the speech given at the Forum of Mayors, organized today in Chisinau.

“We are at a historic moment in our evolution as a state. During this period, Moldova defines its role in the world. A country where people feel safe, work is valued, and young people have conditions at home. Our mission to become a member state of the EU comes to fulfill these wishes.

Joining the EU is not a goal in itself, but the only way we can build such a country. The central administration must do their part of responsibility, there will be times when we will not agree on a certain subject, but the objective must be a simple one - a better life for every inhabitant of Moldova".

The head of state said during the speech that the people who oppose the accession of the Republic of Moldova to the EU oppose the money coming for the development of the country.

"When someone opposes our European path, they actually oppose the money that comes for the development of Moldova, they oppose the peace that is guaranteed in the EU, they oppose the freedoms and democracy that are protected in European countries. We know that some politicians use anti-European rhetoric to gather votes, but a simple analysis shows that Moldova has resisted and even started to develop only thanks to the support of our external partners, and even the politicians know this, because they rest in Europe, they keep their money in Europe, they buy houses there, and I have not seen anyone move to the Russian Federation for a living".

At the same time, the Head of State requested the Government to "significantly increase the salaries, first of all, of mayors, vice-mayors and secretaries of local councils". You cannot lead a community to prosperity with derisory salaries, said the president.

Also, the president asked the Executive to launch the call for the "European Village 2" program as soon as possible.

"Two years ago we launched the "European Village" precisely because we all understand that local budgets are too small for large projects. Today, every second locality sees the concrete results of this project. I ask the Government to request the call for "European Village 2" as soon as possible.

In the end, Maia Sandu said that she was and will continue to be with the mayors who work for the people and the country.

"The people gave you their trust and support, the people came out to vote that you, together with the local councilors, will work to build villages and cities where we like to live and of which we can be proud. You are here not only as decision-makers, but you represent the needs of your inhabitants, their hopes, but also the pride towards the heritage. And the understanding of this fact places a huge responsibility on all of us. Our meeting today aims to build a partnership between all levels of government to fulfill this collective responsibility."

We remind you that the Mayors' Forum takes place today, December 9, at the Palace of the Republic in Chisinau. All 895 mayors from all districts were invited to the event held under the auspices of the President of the Republic of Moldova, Maia Sandu.

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