
President Maia Sandu, Christmas message: "Let's remain, this year, united and in solidarity"

The President of the Republic of Moldova, Maia Sandu, came with a message on her Facebook page in which she congratulated the Orthodox Christians celebrating on Saturday, January 7 , the birth of the Lord Jesus Christ according to the old rite. The Head of State wished the Moldovans good health, bright holidays and a Merry Christmas.

Maia Sandu/Facebook
Sursa: Maia Sandu/Facebook

"To all our fellow citizens, who celebrate Christmas today, I wish them good health, abundance in their homes and happy moments with their loved ones. While the carols announcing the Nativity of the Lord will ring out of the windows, families will gather at the festive table and pray for a rich harvest, healthy children and peace. Let's stay united and in solidarity this year as well. Bright holidays and happy Christmas!", wrote the president of the country, Maia Sandu.

Orthodox Christians who follow the old church calendar celebrate Christmas today, January 7. Along with Moldovans, Christians from Greece, the Russian Federation, Bulgaria, Georgia, Montenegro, Macedonia, Serbia and Ethiopia also celebrate today.

Ecaterina Arvintii

Ecaterina Arvintii


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