
Moldova hit by snowstorm: Power outages & travel disruptions

Over 20,000 Moldovan residents across 50 villages in six districts woke to widespread power outages today, as heavy snowfall and freezing temperatures blanketed the nation.

The Ministry of Energy attributed the disruptions to * "significant ice accumulation on power lines,"* emphasising the need for swift restoration efforts.

"All relevant government agencies are actively engaged in mitigating the impact of these extreme weather conditions," declared a government spokesperson. "We currently have 212 specialised vehicles and nearly 170 road workers deployed across national, regional, and local roads, with a particular focus on clearing snow and applying de-icing materials in the northern region, where traffic remains particularly challenging, especially for heavy vehicles."

Border control operations continue unimpeded, with generators activated at the Volintiri and Caplani checkpoints to ensure uninterrupted service despite the power outages. However, the ferry service at Molovata, connecting the two banks of the Dniester River, remains suspended due to strong winds and heavy snowfall.

As of noon, the national emergency number 112 has logged 46 calls related to the winter weather event.

Translation by Iurie Tataru

Bogdan Nigai

Bogdan Nigai


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