
Winter wreaks havoc: Moldova sees accidents, stranded vehicles

Winter weather unleashed its fury on Moldovan roads Monday, causing at least 60 accidents and prompting hundreds of calls for assistance.

One person sustained injuries in the crashes, while police scrambled to clear stranded vehicles and ensure safety.

The General Inspectorate of Police (IGP) reported a flurry of activity, with officers responding to 349 weather-related incidents throughout the day. The icy grip of winter crippled commutes, leaving some 180 vehicles, including ambulances and passenger buses, bogged down in snow.

"Police successfully helped deblock 180 units of transport, including two ambulances and five microbuses carrying passengers," stated IGP spokesman Ghenadie Hangan.

Fortunately, the number of serious injuries remained at a minimum. "One person was injured in the crashes," confirmed Hangan, emphasising the importance of caution during hazardous weather conditions.

To combat the icy onslaught, over 1,400 police officers were deployed across the country. "They are currently involved in maintaining road safety on the territory of the country and are ready to intervene in the help of participants in traffic," Hangan declared.

The IGP's swift response and ongoing presence offer a reassuring flicker of orange amid the swirling snow, reminding motorists that they are not alone in navigating the wintry challenges.

Translation by Iurie Tataru

Bogdan Nigai

Bogdan Nigai


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