
Fake ID bust at Moldova border: Ukrainian pays $3,000

Authorities in Moldova thwarted an attempted illegal entry at the Palanca-Maiaki-Udobno border crossing when a Ukrainian citizen presented a fraudulent Moldovan identity card.

The man, seeking asylum, claimed intermediaries facilitated his trip and provided the fake document for $3,000.

"During border control, the individual requested asylum in Moldova," explained the Border Police. "However, an inspection revealed a discarded Moldovan ID bearing his name in a nearby trash bin. Subsequent examination confirmed the document's authenticity."

Confronted with the evidence, the man admitted to the ruse and stated that the intermediaries promised swift passage through Ukrainian checkpoints as well.

“Police confiscated the fake ID and handed the individual over to the General Inspectorate for Migration," the Border Police added. "Our Eastern Regional Directorate is actively investigating the incident to uncover all details."

This incident highlights the challenges Moldova faces in combating illegal immigration and border security breaches. The incident has raised concerns about the potential involvement of organised crime networks in facilitating illegal crossings.

Translation by Iurie Tataru

Bogdan Nigai

Bogdan Nigai


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