
Approximately 600,000 Moldovans benefited from gas compensation in last December

Hundreds of thousands of households benefited from gas compensation for consumption in December, announces the head of Moldovagaz, Vadim Ceban. Thus, for one month, the Government of the Republic of Moldova compensated, in total, over 530 million lei from household consumer bills. According to the source, in December 2022, more than 40 percent less natural gas was consumed than in the same period of 2021.

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"In accordance with Law no. 241/2022 regarding the Energy Vulnerability Reduction Fund, the compensation for natural gas consumption in December 2022 in the amount of 523.5 million lei was calculated for household consumers in the number of 573,576 personal accounts. Additionally, for household consumers from tenants' associations in a total number of 9,848 places of consumption, the volume of calculated compensations was 8.6 million lei, depending on the category of energy vulnerability assigned," announces Vadim Ceban on his Telegram account.

According to the head of Moldovagaz, the volume of natural gas consumption in December 2022 was 101.8 million cubic metres, which is about 42.2% less compared to the same period of 2021. At the same time, compared to November 2022, this indicator increased by 38.7 million cubic metres or by about 61.3%.

According to the data of JSC "Moldovagaz", the total payment level for natural gas consumption on December 31, 2022 reached 12.329 billion lei and covers 99.3% of the volume supplied in the period January-November 2022. Gas consumed in December will be paid this January.

It should be noted that the Government offers, also this winter, compensations in the bill for energy consumption: natural gas, thermal energy and electricity, based on the categories of energy vulnerability in which the family is placed based on the request submitted by it, as well as based on the ceiling set by the authorities.

Compensations were included directly in the bill, starting in December, for November consumption. They will be offered during the cold period of the year, i.e. between November 2022 and March 2023.

Ecaterina Arvintii

Ecaterina Arvintii


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