
The authorities give assurances: There is no shortage of medicines on the market in the Republic of Moldova

In the Republic of Moldova, there are sufficient stocks of medicines and there is no risk of a shortage on the market. At least this is said by the Minister of Health, Ala Nemerenco, and the director of the Medicines and Medical Devices Agency, Dragoș Guțu. According to officials, stocks of anti-inflammatories, antibiotics and antivirals are monitored daily.

Health officials claim that there is currently no shortage of drugs in the country's pharmaceutical market. There are, however, cases where the stocks of certain medicines, especially syrups for children, produced by certain manufacturers, have been exhausted or have decreased, which is why they are harder to find or not at all in pharmacies. Authorities say, however, that each drug has analogs that can replace commonly administered drugs. All the parents have to do is to contact the doctor or the pharmacist, in case the medicine administered as a rule cannot be found on the market.

"We are monitoring anti-inflammatory, antibiotic and antiviral stocks. At the moment we don't have a problem. For some manufacturers, stocks have shrunk. (…) Every year there is an increase in the need for medicines. We don't see an acute problem at the current time," said the director of the Medicines and Medical Devices Agency, Dragoș Guțu.

The Minister of Health, Ala Nemerenco, also assured that, at the moment, there is no acute shortage of a certain type of medicine.

"We have a deficit because we are not getting those imported meds from Ukraine and Russia now. Also, in Romania, medicines are stored on their market. I talked to Mr. Rafila so that in their Government ordinance, by which drug deliveries are prohibited for a period of six months, there should be an exception for the Republic of Moldova, so that these drugs can be found on the market", declared minister Ala Nemerenco.

In this context, the head of the Government from Chisinau, Natalia Gavrilița, urged the authorities to prepare a mechanism to record the stocks of medicines in the country.

"We must always know exactly which drugs, in what volume, are on the market, to avoid the shortage of drugs in the middle of winter. Please let's speed up the work in this regard", said Prime Minister Natalia Gavrilița.

It should be noted that the Republic of Moldova is currently facing a wave of cases of flu and acute respiratory infections. The authorities sound the alarm and urge the population to protect themselves against them by keeping distance, wearing a protective mask, disinfecting hands and avoiding closed or crowded public spaces.

The Ministry of Health announced, on January 10, the first case of death registered in the Republic of Moldova due to the influenza virus. According to Minister Ala Nemerenco, it is a young man who went to the doctors on the fifth day after the onset of the disease. At the hospital, the young man would have arrived "too late", according to the minister. In this context, Ala Nemerenco appealed to parents with small children, who remain the most affected, but also the entire population, to go to the doctor from the first symptoms of the disease.

Ecaterina Arvintii

Ecaterina Arvintii


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