
Bogdan Aurescu asked his Ukrainian counterpart to acknowledge the non-existence of the "Moldovan language"

The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Bogdan Aurescu, spoke on the phone with his Ukrainian counterpart, Dmitro Kuleba, about the new minority law in Ukraine, which limits the rights of Romanians. The discussion took place in the continuation of the telephone conversation held by the President of Romania, Klaus Iohannis, with the President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelenski, on January 4, 2023, according to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Bucharest.

As stated by the source, the two ministers agreed to launch a process of comprehensive consultations on these issues, which would include discussions at expert level and a meeting, in the next period, of the two ministers of foreign affairs.

"The Romanian Minister Bogdan Aurescu reiterated, during the discussion, the procedural and substantive aspects of the above-mentioned Law that raised the concern of the Romanian authorities and the representatives of the Romanian community and which were otherwise presented in detail and argued in his letter of December 2022 to minister Dmytro Kuleba", reads the statement.

At the same time, the head of diplomacy from Bucharest requested the undertaking of concrete steps to meet the concerns of the Romanian side. Also, in continuation of previous discussions with the head of diplomacy from Kyiv, Bogdan Aurescu reiterated the need for Ukraine to recognize the non-existence of the so-called "Moldovan language".

"Minister Bogdan Aurescu reiterated Romania's firm support for the independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine and referred to our country's solid and comprehensive support for Ukraine and the Ukrainian people, victims of the war of aggression launched by the Russian Federation", added the Ministry of Foreign Affairs from Bucharest.

The two ministers also discussed the organisation of the next meeting of the trilateral Romania-Republic of Moldova-Ukraine, following the one in Odessa in September 2022.

Moldova 1 recalls that at the end of December, the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky promulgated the new Law on Minorities national, although earlier this was criticised by the Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Romanian Foreign Minister Bogdan Aurescu sent his Ukrainian counterpart, Dmitro Kuleba, a critical analysis, considering it "regrettable" that the normative act was adopted without consulting the Venice Commission and the Romanian community in Ukraine.

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