
Moldovans will be able to access online information about the circulation of public transport

Information on the routes included in the local, municipal, district, inter-district and international road transport programs will be available in electronic format. In this regard, the Executive has approved changes to the Regulation on how to keep the state registers formed by the "e-Transport Authorization" information system.

The new provisions of the Regulation set the establishment of the Register of routes in the "e-Transport Authorization" information system, which, in addition to information about the routes included in the transport programs, will also contain data about the transport operators to whom the journeys regarding the authorized regular services have been assigned in national and international traffic. Also, through the changes made, the way of recording data, the structure of the register and the information about the route, the traffic schedule, the service regime, the data about public stations are regulated. According to the Government, the implementation of the project will enable the digitization of the interaction between central and local public authorities and the business environment, and for travelers, the Route Register will become a reliable source of information. At the same time, the premises will be created for the implementation of the electronic ticket for the road transport of people, through regular services.

Ecaterina Arvintii

Ecaterina Arvintii


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