
Moldova's 2024 Census Goes Digital

Moldova prepares for its 2024 population and housing census, a crucial demographic data collection exercise.

Over 4,000 trained census takers equipped with electronic tablets will visit households from April 8th to July 7th.

This year's census marks a significant shift compared to the 2014 exercise, lasting three months instead of two weeks. If residents are unavailable during the initial visit, census takers will make up to four attempts to collect data.

Director of the National Bureau of Statistics, Oleg Cara, stressed the mandatory nature of participation. "Law 231 of 2022 stipulates mandatory participation," Cara stated. "Refusal may lead to fines under the Contravention Code, though only as a last resort after exhausting persuasion efforts." He emphasised the benefits of participation, saying, "We'll take steps to showcase how census data benefits everyone."

Public opinion toward the census appears mixed. While some residents, like one quoted saying, "It's important to know our population's size and distribution," support participation, others disagree with potential fines. "The state should incentivize, not penalise," another resident commented.

This year's census marks a technological leap with the introduction of 3,000 electronic tablets, donated by the EU. This aims to streamline data collection and processing, as EU Ambassador Janis Mazeikes noted: "Tablets will shorten interview times and expedite data processing."

The population and housing census, conducted every 10 years, serves as the backbone of national demographic information. Moldova last conducted one in 2014.

Translation by Iurie Tataru

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