
Moldovan Farmers Protests Persist After Border Blockade, Government Meets Today

Following a border crossing blockade yesterday, farmers from multiple Moldovan districts announced continued protests today.

Frustrated by a lack of resources for the upcoming season and perceived government inaction, they demand solutions.

Widespread Protests:

Farmers in Hîncești, Leova, Nisporeni, Ungheni, and Căușeni joined forces yesterday, blocking the Leușeni-Albița border crossing. The Farmers' Force Association has announced further demonstrations in Rezina, Orhei, Fălești, and Criuleni.

Resource Concerns and Calls for Action:

"Farmers say they don't have enough resources to start a new agricultural year," reported Radio Moldova, highlighting their core grievance. The protests aim to pressure the government into providing support and addressing their concerns.

Government Dialogue and Briefing:

The Ministry of Agriculture has acknowledged the issue, stating they are "in constant dialogue with the farmers." Today at 11:00 a.m., the Minister of Agriculture and Food Industry will hold a briefing to provide updates, as announced by Radio Moldova.

Translation by Iurie Tataru

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