
Farmers intend to repeatedly block the Leușeni-Albita border crossing point

A new farmers' protest action is planned for today. They insist on organizing a meeting attended by the representatives of the Presidency, the Government and the Parliament. The Forța Fermierilor Association says, in a statement, that starting at 09:30 the Leușeni-Albita customs will be blocked again.

"People won't leave without a tangible result. Farmers were outraged today by a large traffic at the border crossing point, even though yesterday the authorities warned that the customs would be blocked. They believe that their message was deliberately ignored, with the aim of provoking confrontations", the quoted source said in a statement.

In this context, the farmers ask the competent authorities to redirect the traffic to other border crossing points, stating that "in the situation of demonstrative negligence on the part of the Government and the Parliament, we see no other way out".

We remind that yesterday the Minister of Agriculture and Food Industry, Vladimir Bolea, traveled to Cahul, where the farmers who suffered the most due to the drought in recent years gathered. Vladimir Bolea, urged the farmers to calm down and assured that the institution is will help them.

Also, Prime Minister Dorin Recean said that a meeting with farmers will take place on Friday, led by Minister Vladimir Bolea, in which the Prime Minister will also participate.

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