
Vladimir Bolea: 50 million lei will be granted as support for farmers. Farmers can claim compensation from AIPA

More than 50 million lei will be allocated to farmers to compensate for damages caused by natural disasters in 2023. The Minister of Agriculture and Food Industry, Vladimir Bolea, announced during a briefing that a decision in this regard was published in the Official Gazette. Thus, starting today and until March 13, the farmers who suffered from the drought in the summer of 2023, as well as seven economic agents from the Edineț district, are expected at the AIPA to submit their files.

The Deputy Prime Minister said that farmers need a set of documents to benefit from support.

"I want to present to you the documents that farmers need: the application for the granting of financial aid, the affidavit regarding the completeness of the application and the verification of the information from the documents presented, the copy of the certificate of registration of the peasant household and the extract from the state register of legal entities, the copy of the act of ascertaining the damage caused to agricultural crops in 2023, the copy of the statistical report Nb. 4 with the totals of sowings registered at the territorial body for statistics, but also the applicants who have more than 10 hectares and who are affected by the corn crop, the copy of the act of establishment and the passport of the multi-year plantations project, the confirmed certificate issued by the local public administration authority of the first level", said the minister.

Vladimir Bolea said that more than 400 farmers will benefit from the aid, but the exact figure will be known after the end of the procedure for submitting the files. At the same time, the minister said the amount of compensation per hectare depends on the severity of the damage suffered by the farmers. According to the minister, farmers from the southern districts of the country, especially those from Cahul and Cantemir districts, will receive the highest compensation of 2,500 lei per hectare.

"Farmers whose lands were affected in proportion of 60-69% will benefit from total compensation of 1,000 lei for one hectare, for those affected in proportion of 70-79%, the compensation will be 1,500 lei per hectare . In the case of agricultural land affected by drought in proportion of 80-89%, the compensation will amount to 2,000 lei per hectare. Finally, the lands affected by the drought in proportion of 90-100%, will receive the highest compensation, namely 2500 lei per hectare", said Vladimir Bolea.

We remind you that farmers from several districts of the Republic of Moldova came out to protest today. They insist on organizing a meeting attended by the representatives of the Presidency, the Government and the Parliament.

Farmers state that they do not have enough resources to start a new agricultural year and are dissatisfied with the fact that the authorities do not intervene. The Association "Forța Fermierilor" announces the continuation of the protests in the coming days and does not rule out the holding of other demonstrations in other districts.

We remind that, starting at 10:00 a.m., the access road to the Leușeni customs post was blocked. The circulation of vehicles is impossible in the context of protests organized by farmers. In this context, the authorities recommend travelers to opt in advance for the available alternatives, such as: PVFI Sculeni, PVFI Costești or PVFI Leova-Bumbăta, to avoid possible inconveniences and delays.

Daniela Savin

Daniela Savin


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