
Addressing Moldova's Voter Registration Challenges

The Republic of Moldova confronts a challenging paradox: while the overall population declines, the number of registered voters continues to increase.

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Igor Bucătaru, the head of analysis at the "Promo-LEX" Association, attributes this phenomenon to a surge in registered voters from the breakaway Transnistrian region and Moldovans residing abroad.

Bucătaru suggests that the growth in Transnistrian voters may be artificial. Deceased voters often linger on the voter rolls unless their removal is specifically requested by relatives. Similarly, Moldovans who pass away abroad remain registered due to challenges in transmitting their death certificates to the authorities in Chișinău.

In response, Bucătaru advocates for collaboration among Moldova's Central Election Commission, Public Services Agency, and local authorities. He proposes the establishment of a mechanism empowering local officials to update voter rolls based on reliable information regarding a voter's demise, even in the absence of official documentation.

Translation by Iurie Tataru

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