
Eight companies participate in a competition for architectural solutions for the future headquarters of the Public Broadcaster "Teleradio-Moldova"

The "Teleradio-Moldova" company is currently examining, through a specialized jury, a series of architectural concepts for its future headquarters, as part of a competition launched at the beginning of this year. Eight companies presented their visions on the exterior of the building, based on preliminary sketches provided to them by the sponsoring institution. According to a statement from the Company, the contributions of the participants in the contest consist of improvements made to the initial project, integrated into its general concept.

"Teleradio-Moldova" is in the process of completely rebuilding its infrastructure, given that its broadcast studios and the offices where the institution's employees work are outdated and unsuitable for modern radio and television activities. The institution needs modern work spaces, as well as high-performance technologies and equipment, in order to fully fulfill its public mission in accordance with the Audiovisual Media Services Code", reads a press release of the “Teleradio-Moldova” Company.

In this regard, the public media service provider took over a building project from its partners in Georgia, which it adapted to its needs.

After the current competition for architectural solutions, the company that will build the future headquarters of the institution, which also includes an autonomous studio, for large-scale audiovisual productions, would be chosen, also through a public competition.

Carolina Străjescu

Carolina Străjescu


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