
Chișinău March Demands Gender Equality

Dozens of people, including human rights activists, marched through the streets of Chișinău on March 8th, carrying placards.

The participants called for gender equality and expressed their solidarity with women around the world. Sexual violence was a central theme of this year's march, with the slogan "Sexual violence cannot be hidden under the carpet."

The march, now in its 10th year, highlighted the ongoing struggles for women's rights. Participants specifically mentioned the plight of women and girls in Ukraine, caught in the conflict.

"We want to awaken empathy in society," said one participant. "If you see violence or know someone experiencing it, speak up and seek help."

Another participant, a human rights advocate, emphasised the importance of the march: "This day is about women's rights. That's why I participate every year, to show my support for all women."

Many women at the march, joined by their daughters, carried signs advocating for reproductive rights. Men also joined the call for equality.

"We stand in solidarity with the struggles women face every day," said a male participant. "We fight for equality, fairness, and justice against violence."

Discussions also addressed societal stereotypes that limit women's choices in careers and behaviours.

The first feminist march in Chișinău was held in 2015 to raise awareness about feminism. Organizers pointed out the ongoing issues of workplace harassment, street harassment, and sexual violence, including domestic violence. Statistics on rising rates of rape against girls were highlighted.

Officials, including the Ministers of Labor and Education, also participated in the march as a gesture of solidarity. The Minister of Labor acknowledged the need for progress on violence intervention, care services, and wage equality. The Minister of Education stressed the importance of continuing optional health education courses in schools.

The march served as a powerful reminder that the fight for gender equality continues. Since 1975, feminist groups worldwide have marched on March 8th to advocate for women's rights. International Women's Day commemorates these ongoing efforts and the victories achieved so far.

Translation by Iurie Tataru

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