
SIS, CNA to Access Traffic Camera Footage

The Moldovan Security and Intelligence Service (SIS) and the National Anticorruption Center (CNA) will gain access to live video footage from the "Traffic Control" automated surveillance system.

The images will be accessible online, but the agencies will not be able to process or modify the recorded data. These provisions are included in a draft resolution released for public consultation, IPN reports.

"This access is needed to strengthen the capacities of the Security and Intelligence Service and the National Anticorruption Center in preventing and combating actions that affect state security, as well as their involvement in fighting corruption and related acts, and in recovering criminal assets," argues the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the author of the project.

Access to information from the System will be limited to a specific number of intelligence officers from the SIS and investigation officers from the CNA. These officers will need authorization from decision-making officials and their access will be governed by legal regulations.

Currently, employees from several agencies can access and view information from the System, including those from the Information Technology Service, the General Police Inspectorate, other administrative authorities subordinate to the MAI, as well as the State Protection and Security Service.

The Automated Traffic Monitoring System currently consists of 73 posts, 48 of which are located in the municipality of Chisinau. An additional 23 posts are planned for national roads and within Chisinau. Project documentation, including construction design, electrical networks, and topographic-geodetic and geological design, is currently being developed.

Translation by Iurie Tataru

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