
Spring afforestation campaign starts today. Over 13 million saplings will be planted

The afforestation campaign starts today in the Republic of Moldova. This is part of the National Program launched last year at the initiative of President Maia Sandu. According to the authorities, this spring more than 13 million saplings are to be planted and the plantations of the last year are to be taken care of.

The national afforestation program continues this year, and today citizens from the entire country can participate in the greening works.

The competent authorities are also counting on the involvement of citizens in forest expansion works, because the success of such large-scale measures depends on the consolidation of the efforts of the entire society. The spokesperson of the Executive Daniel Vodă said that work and involvement are needed for the greening of a larger area and urged people to join the planting campaign.

"We make a public call and invite you to go out together with your colleagues, family or friends to plant trees so that we can have a greener and healthier country. This spring, the authorities set out to plant around 13 million saplings. All the trees were distributed by the agency Moldsilva. You have the opportunity on the Moldsilva page. in the planting 2024 section to select, on an interactive map, the locations marked in yellow where the saplings can be planted this spring".

We remind that, in the fall of last year, approximately 24 million saplings were planted on an area of seven thousand hectares of land, twice as much as in the last three years. This action is part of the National Afforestation Program, initiated by the country's president Maia Sandu, which provides for the rehabilitation of the degraded forest fund and the creation of new forests on an area of 145 hectares, in the next decade.

Actions are needed to increase resilience to climate change, to preserve and to develop national forest resources. Maia Sandu emphasized that the forest generation can bring change to our country and combat the effects of the climate crisis, and a green country means a cleaner environment and a healthier society. "I was happy to see last autumn many young people, parents, children and grandparents who came out to plant trees for our future in the country we all love.

Together we made a formidable effort and managed to plant and to rehabilitate more than 7000 ha of land on which forests will grow. More forests mean enough water for wells and rivers, cleaner air, more fertile soil, and all this means a healthier and more prosperous future for us and our children." Currently, in the Republic of Moldova, the forested surface constitutes 11 percent of the country's territory.

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