
The Republic of Moldova will replenish its stocks with about three thousand anti-hail missiles

The authorities will buy around three thousand anti-hail missiles this year. They will be purchased in Bulgaria and should arrive in our country by May. According to the Minister of Agriculture, Vladimir Bolea, this very week the final checks are being made to put the missile launch stations into operation.

"Over the years, the use of rockets in the fight against hail, not only for agricultural crops, but also for the protection of houses or property, has proven to be an extremely effective method. We are also working with the active influence service in Romania to also use drones in this hail fighting process. Where anti-hail systems are installed, the damage caused is much smaller than where we don't," announced Vladimir Bolea, Minister of Agriculture and Food Industry.

The price of a short-range anti-hail missile is about 270 euros, while a long-range one ends up costing 400 euros. This year, the Government allocated 20 million lei for their procurement.

In the Republic of Moldova there are over 130 anti-hail missile launch points, which are located in 24 districts. We remind that, currently, Bulgaria is the only supplier of such devices, after Chisinau terminated the contract with the Russian Federation due to the war in Ukraine.

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